私密適 D-甘露糖 D-Mannose AlphaSupreme

私密適 D-甘露糖 D-Mannose AlphaSupreme

蔓越莓產品不給力? 私密適D-甘露糖僅使用最純淨的最佳樺木甘露糖,具有生物活性的樺木單醣益生元,能通過腎臟直達膀胱然後到私密部位,成為私密部位益生菌的食糧,從而足夠活躍去抵禦令私密部位感染或造成異味的惡菌,改善微生態和PH值,臨床研究使用D-甘露糖顯著降低私密處再受感染。
Cranberry products not effective enough?uses only the best birch mannose in its purest form for its D-mannose products.D-Mannose is a bioactive simple sugar (chemical monosaccharide). It reaches the intimate area through the kidneys and bladder, providing nourishment for the intimate area's probiotics. This helps actively combat harmful bacteria that can cause infections or odors, improving the microbiota and pH balance. Clinical studies have demonstrated that D-Glucose significantly reduces the risk of reinfection in the intimate area.

D-Mannose AlphaSupreme

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